Cowboy wilder Westen krimidinner Spiel für zuhause

Cowboy wilder Westen krimidinner Spiel für zuhause

Normaler Preis £29.99 Sonderpreis£19.95 Sparen £10.04
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  • Spielbar auf Zoom und im echten Leben
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High Noon At Dead Man’s Saloon

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1870 in der Stadt Dead Man, Kansas, USA. Im Dead Man’s Saloon jubelt eine große Menschenmenge. Die Uhr an der Wand zeigt Mittag an – aber das ist immer der Fall. Plötzlich verbreitet sich die Nachricht, dass es auf der Main Street zu einer Schießerei kommen wird. Die Menge stürmt nach draußen, um zuzusehen, aber die Straße ist menschenleer. Plötzlich ertönen hinter ihnen im Saloon zwei Schüsse.

Als die Menge wieder hereinstürmt, finden sie die Leiche von Deputy Drinkwater mit einem Schuss ins Herz. Jemand muss zurückgeblieben sein, um die böse Tat zu begehen. War es One-Eyed Pete, der Gesetzlose mit dem schwarzen Hut? Oder Patty Petticoat, die Saloon-Tänzerin mit der mysteriösen Vergangenheit? Oder Waylin Straum, der singende Cowpuncher?

Wer weiß, Partner? Vielleicht war es – SIE!

What's In The Druckbar/Digital Kit

Host Guide Booklet
Detective Audio Files & Detective Video Files
Evidence Booklets
Character Booklets
Game Ballot Book
Costume Suggestion Booklet
Invitations Booklet


1.5 - 3.5 Hours



Game Title

High Noon At Dead Man’s Saloon


1870, Dead Man, Kansas, USA

Game Play

Random Murderer (Replay-able with different outcome)




Roles are flexible and can be played by individuals of any gender, regardless of the character's specified gender.


Cowboy & Old West Theme

Wilder Westen Game Characters

Discover profiles of all the characters featured in our murder mystery games. For those looking to expand their options, our expansion packs are perfect for you! These packs offer the option to choose all characters within the game in any ideal for hosting larger parties or simply adding more depth to your game. View the expansion packs here

Annie Croakley Belle Banditt Buck N. Bronco Buffalo Bob
Umherziehender Scharfschütze, prahlt viel Postkutschenräuber, temperamentvoll, lässt sich von niemandem Blödsinn gefallen Gesetzloses Bandenmitglied, nicht besonders klug Reisender Entertainer, voller nutzloser väterlicher Ratschläge
Calamity Jill Casey Coalburner Dewdrop Pinn Doctor Quackery
Tollpatschiges Cowgirl, das immer auf Dinge stößt und darüber flucht Lokführer, findet ihn unwiderstehlich gutaussehend Limousinenbesitzer, herzhaft, kennt gerne alle Geheimnisse Reisender Schlangenölverkäufer, schlau, betrügerisch

Includes all characters in the 4 - 8 player game including the below.

Maverick Bullock Nugget Mcrush One-Eyed Pete
Professioneller Spieler, geschmeidig, charmant. Behauptet, Engländer zu sein. Goldgräber, redet zu viel, weil er so lange allein war Anführer der Outlaw-Bande, schlecht gelaunt. Trägt eine Augenklappe.
Patty Petticoat Roe D. Oh Shott O'Wiskey
Saloon-Tänzerin, neu, lässt Hinweise auf ihre mysteriöse Vergangenheit fallen Cowboy, Angeber, Ass mit einem Lasso Barkeeper, der alles gesehen hat, rechnet immer mit dem Schlimmsten

Includes all characters in the 4 - 8 and 4 - 14 player games including the below.

Shuffle N. Cutt Songbird Lil Tinny Musick
Kartenhändler, schlau, handelt von unten, wenn er genug bezahlt wird Saloon-Sänger, halb französisch, traurig und betrunken, ein Vogel in einem vergoldeten Käfig Klavierspieler, träumt davon, einer zu werden klassischer Musiker
Waylin Straum Wellesley Fargo Yella Rose
Singender Cowpuncher, unglaublich fröhlich und positiv Postkutschenfahrer, misstrauisch, dass jeder ein Bandit ist Saloon Dancer, kann Ich werde nicht aufhören, über Texas zu reden

Enhance Your Wilder Westen Murder Mystery Game Experience

Welcome to our dedicated section for all things murder mystery! Here, you'll find everything you need to create an unforgettable and immersive experience for your guests. Whether you're looking for menu ideas to tantalize taste buds, curated playlists to set the perfect mood, costume ideas to bring characters to life, or decoration tips to transform your space, we've got you covered.

Wilder Westen Costume Ideas

Step into the Frontier with Wild West Costumes

Embrace the spirit of the Wild West with our selection of authentic costumes. Whether you want to dress as a gunslinger, a saloon girl, a sheriff, or a pioneer, we have the perfect outfits to immerse your guests in the adventure. Our costumes are crafted to capture the rugged and adventurous style of the Old West, ensuring you and your guests look the part and feel the excitement.

Browse our collection and find the perfect Wild West costume:

Wilder Westen Costumes

Wilder Westen Dinner Menu Ideas

Hearty Menu Ideas for Your Wild West Party

Delight your guests with a menu inspired by the hearty fare of the Wild West. Our blog offers a variety of recipes for rustic dishes and classic Western cuisine that will transport everyone to the frontier. From barbecue and chili to cornbread and cowboy beans, our menu ideas will make your Wild West party unforgettable.

Visit our blog for Wild West menu ideas:

Wilder Westen Dinner Menu Ideas

Wilder Westen Party Music Ideas

Set the Scene with a Wild West Dinner Party Playlist

Enhance your Wild West murder mystery with our curated playlist featuring classic Western tunes and folk music. Perfect for setting the stage and creating an ambiance of frontier adventure and excitement, this playlist will transport your guests to the heart of the Old West.

Explore our playlist:

Wilder Westen Playlist

Wilder Westen Decoration Ideas

Create an Authentic Atmosphere with Wild West Decorations

Transform your space into a rugged frontier town with our Wild West-themed decoration ideas. From saloon doors and wanted posters to rustic wooden accents and cowboy hats, our Pinterest board is filled with inspiration to set the perfect atmosphere for your murder mystery game. Capture the essence of the Wild West and transport your guests back to a time of outlaws and sheriffs.

Get inspired with our decoration ideas:

Wilder Westen Decoration Ideas

Commercial License

You will need a commercial license in the following circumstances;

  1. You plan to use the game for profit (public or private)
  2. You plan to promote and host the game publicly
  3. If you are running the game as part of an event where guests or individuals are charged an entry fee
  4. If you are hosting the game for a virtual or public dinner party

You are not authorised to sell or amend any game or document in any form.

You must purchase the license with the game you intend on using it for. If you have already purchased the game individually please purchase this again with the license and we will refund your original order.